WPI's Campus on C20 Mondays

By: JP Bulman, Michael Clements, and DJ Alvarado

About Sources How to Walkthrough

Current Time: Animation not Started

Heatmap of Students on Campus

Population Chart for all of Campus at a Given Time

On Campus Locations

Individual Population Charts Throughout the day


For our final project, we surveyed ~60 students from WPI asking them where they are each hour from 8am to 8pm on Mondays. Above are several visualizations of the data we were able to get. First is an animated map that shows people as small dots traveling through campus. Second is a heatmap of the number of people in a given place at a given time. Next is an interactive bar graph where you can select a time and it will show you the number of people in every building on campus. Finally, there is a series of miniature bar graphs, one for each building, that shows the population of the building throughout the day.

How To

Things to know

If an individual marked themselves as 'Off campus or at home' for a certain time, their dot is moved to the West Street lot. If someone marked 'Other or not listed', their dot flies to (0, 0). In addition, there are some biases to consider. The biggest bias we had stemmed from our sampling technique. Since we distributed this to our friends and classmates, our sample deviated slightly from an ideal campus population sample. This can be see around 1-3pm where lots of people go to Fuller Laboratories - this is just when our data visualization class is held. This is the people from our class who filled out the survey bleeding through.


To start the campus animations, simply press the play button. After you have clicked the play button, you can click the same button (now notated with a pause icon) to pause the animation, and simply click again to resume. Uncheck or check the checkboxes to the left of the map to either see or disable the people and/or the projected heatmap. Use the color picker to change the people (flying dots) to a different color. If you want to follow a specific node, simply click on it, and its color will change to red. If you want to stop following a node, simply click it again, and it will change back to the group color. Hover over any of the campus buildings to see their names.


The source code, data set, and more information can be found on the GitHub page for this project.
